6. prosince : Vážení uživatelé, vkládat zde odkazy na různé e-shopy a stránky je přísně zakázáno, je to porušení Pravidel. Takové příspěvky budou smazány. Děkujeme za pochopení! 6. prosince : Objevte kouzlo brambor po římsku. Jednoduchý recept, když vás tlačí čas i finance! 6. prosince : Je vám čtyřicet a už řešíte menopauzu? Co je příčinou předčasného nástupu, vysvětluje gynekolog |
Hi there,
could anybody help me? I'm looking for any website, where can I find somebody to talk through Skype, because I need to improve my communications skills...
Many thanks for any advice
One more thing: I prefer some foreigner
Upravil(a) Jiněnka (11. 12. 2008 18:51)
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first of all I think you have had a great idea. This is exactly what I have done and it has helped me a big deal. I have met many people through various chat sites and I started chatting to some of them on Skype or other comunication media. I have made really good friends all over the world and I have even met some of them which was usually really exciting.
One forum dedicated to meeting new people and chatting to them is
Be careful whom you chose, some people can be real weirdos. Others are great though. I suggest to keep basic security standards such as not giving out your personal information unless you know the person really well etc.
And, that is very important, find a native English speaker - and also from some reasonable place, e.g. people from Scotland (as much as I love them) or New Zealand have very specific accent which is probably not what you are looking for.
Be prepared you might need to try several people before you find someone you feel comfortable with, and whose English meets your standards and requirements.
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Ronja, that's exactly what I was looking for, thanks a lot!!!
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