
6. prosince : Vážení uživatelé, vkládat zde odkazy na různé e-shopy a stránky je přísně zakázáno, je to porušení Pravidel. Takové příspěvky budou smazány. Děkujeme za pochopení!

6. prosince : Objevte kouzlo brambor po římsku. Jednoduchý recept, když vás tlačí čas i finance!

6. prosince : Je vám čtyřicet a už řešíte menopauzu? Co je příčinou předčasného nástupu, vysvětluje gynekolog

#1 23. 7. 2008 18:15

Lucie Kunešová
Registrovaný: 22. 7. 2008
Příspěvky: 2

The letter from New York City

Hi, this is a letter from my friend Anoop who lives in Manhattan, New York City. He is interested in Czech republic and has a lot of knowledges about us. It is a exception in US....
Enjoy it!

Ahoj Lucy,

Well, I love history and culture. Central/Eastern Europe has tons of history and culture. Not many people in the U.S. know about it or can even find your country on a map, let alone their own state capital. They usually think Czech Republic is deep in Russia, which is very bad.

I used to study European/Asian History and Ancient Battles involving the Greeks, Romans, Huns, Goths, and Persians. I loved reading about Charlemagne, Charles the Hammer, Pepin, and the Holy Roman Empire which took place alot in your country.

Yes I love to one day visit that region. I also love Czech, Slovak, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian, and Ukranian women. I dated a few while I was in college and they were friendly inside yet beautiful on the outside. It seems that to be the usual case I heard. I really wish they did not have to go back. Thats something we can never get from U.S women. I heard in Prague or Bratislava, its common to see waves of girls like models walking around on the street.

I am from New York City. Its home to Fashion Avenue and runway model shows.
I have been to UK, France, Netherlands, and Italy. I heard Prague is famous for beer, but cafes their are are as good as Paris. I love sitting in cafes.

Do you take photos as in photgraphy or draw art photos ? Are your works abstract expressionism ? I like art and photography and I am always impressed ?

Also which is the proper way of greeting someone in Czech ? Dobrey Den or Ahoj ?

You sound very smart, and I would love to talk more.


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#2 9. 8. 2008 21:29

Registrovaný: 10. 1. 2006
Příspěvky: 1148

Re: The letter from New York City

Hi, Lucy,

your friend has got an interesting name: Anoop - it´s like Egyptian Anubis, or so?

How he got the name at all?

Kdo máš uši proto, abys slyšel, slyš...!

Není tady


#3 10. 8. 2008 8:58

Lucie Kunešová
Registrovaný: 22. 7. 2008
Příspěvky: 2

Re: The letter from New York City

Hello Salvator,

Well, Anoop is not typical American name, you are true.
My friend was born in NYC, but his parents are from India and there is this name very usual...

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